Hog Roast Machines

Hog Roast Machines For Sale

The Spitting Pig have redesigned the hog roasting industry by creating a fantastic range of hog roast machines to suit a variety of needs and any budget. Meaning that hog roasting is now accessable to all.

With over 25 years in the hog roast catering industry we have already found what works and what doesn’t, and what causes chefs problems when on site, we have therefore been able to build hog roast machines that lead in the industry.


The Hogmaster: Hog Roast Berkshire

Our Hogmaster is well know and famous amongst hog roasting professionals. This machine couldn’t be easier to use and with a pre set temperature you really can’t go wrong! Best of all it is extreamly portable, fitting into any van and the majority of all 4×4’s. Let the master of cooking hogs do the hard work for you.



The Titan:Hog Roast Berkshire

The Titan was created through a culmination of years of hard work and repeat designs to make the product that worked perfectly in a hog roast, spit roast and even a BBQ. The manufacturing behing this machine had both the chef and guests in mind to create a great theatre piece while perfectly roasting.



The Platinum:Hog Roast Berkshire

A machine that looks fantastic and creates a fantastic product. With two cooking levels the Platinum is designed to cater for large numbers and is capable of cooking a wide range of products all at the same time. What would normally require 2 or 3 machines is no longer the case with a Platinum.



The Hogmaster Pro:Hog Roast Berkshire

Our very own mini machine, this compact version is a big hit with pubs, restaurants and hotels to provide the unbeatable flavours of a hog roast but doing so on a reduced scale. The Hogmaster Pro is a perfect size to be able to store easily, so if you are looking for a hog roast machine to keep for personal use then you have found the perfect machine!


Ever wanted your very own hog roast machine? Our dedicated site has a number of quality hog roast machines for sale. You will find everything you need to start cooking your very own perfect hog roasts.